By Lama Sonam Dargye (Tony Albino) KAGYU DAKSHANG CHULING917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405(Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow) Sunday, December 18, 2022, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.Please arrive by 8:45 a.m., late entries will not be permitted.$30 general ($25 KDC members) In the Tibetan word shi-nay, shi means calm and nay means abiding. Shi-naymeditation rests the mind in a state undisturbed by thoughts and emotions, allowing the mind to experience its true nature. Schedule:9:00-11:00 a.m. Instructions and guided meditation1:00-4:00 p.m. Question-and-answer period and guided meditationYou are welcome to bring a lunch and stay during the break. To print out a PDF flier of this event, please click here.For information, please visit KDC’s website at or call(541) 513-1452 or (541) 683-1808 between 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing and the Board of Directors kindly request that all attendees of KDC events be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as Continue Reading →


By Lama Sonam Dargye (Tony Albino) KAGYU DAKSHANG CHULING917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405(Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow)To minimize the Center’s impact on our neighborhood, please park on West Amazon and walk up hill to KDC. MAHAYANA GREAT COMPASSIONTEACHING AND PRACTICESunday, January 8, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.(Please arrive by 8:45 a.m., late entries will not be admitted.) This Mahayana tradition of mental transformation is cherished by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and considered indispensable for one’s Dharma practice to bear fruit. Renowned for its universal and pragmatic approach, it gleans all of the Mahayana teachings to seven basic points and shows how to apply them to one‘s life.The cost is $30 general ($25 KDC members).You are welcome to bring a lunch and stay during the break. Lama Sonam completed the three-year retreat under the guidance of Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing and serves as a translator for Continue Reading →


Dear Sangha and Dharma friends, Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing is going to India in mid-October of this year. He has not been able to travel to Asia in several years due to Covid restrictions. During this trip Lama-la plans to visit as many Monasteries and Lineage Lamas as possible and would like to give them all offerings on behalf of his western students. Because of Lama’s age and health this may be one of his last opportunities to do this. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to accumulate merit and to support and create a positive connection with our lineage holders. All of the donations that we make to Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing will be used entirely to make offerings on our behalf. Please donate as generously as you can and send your donations to Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing by the first of October. You may make your checks Continue Reading →


SUNDAY MAY 12, 2024 SUNDAY MAY 12, 2024 KAGYU DAKSHANG CHULING917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405(Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow)To minimize the Center’s impact on our neighborhood, please park on West Amazon and walk up hill to KDC. On Sunday, May 12, Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing and KDC’s western Lamas will perform a special, extensive Puja for the deceased. This year, this date has been chosen since May 10th marks the 35th Anniversary of our Root Guru H.E. Kalu Rinpoche’s passing into the Pure Realms. This Puja is extremely helpful when performed for the benefit of one who has died. After dying, due to karma and habitual patterns, we have no control over our future rebirth, and we are driven by the power of our previous actions. This profound Puja purifies negativities and obscurations and liberates the deceased from samsara, leading to rebirth in the Pure Land of Continue Reading →


Dear Dharma Friends, I hope this finds all of you in good health and that your Dharma Practice is going well. As many of you know, Losar, the Tibetan New Year, begins Thursday, March 3. Traditionally at this time KDC has held the annual all-day Mahakala Puja to dispel obstacles and negativities so the new year may begin in an auspicious manner. Unfortunately, this year KDC is not able to hold this event due to the on-going Corona Virus. Although we cannot gather together for this event, I would like to ask all of you who have received the Mahakala Empowerment to please perform Mahakala Puja at home on Mahakala Day, which is Tuesday, March 1, and to recite the Mahakala mantra throughout the day. I, myself, will be doing an all-day 6-Armed Mahakala Puja from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Mahakala Day. Also, I will be doing short Continue Reading →


Dear Dharma Friends, I have been thinking about all of you and I am wondering how you are doing during this unique and challenging time of ours. As I stated in my previous email, it is very important to continue doing your daily Dharma Practice, in particular reflecting on the suffering of others. In general, the contemplation of others’ suffering is an important component of Vajrayana Buddhism, it is particularly important in this time of Covid-19. I miss seeing you and doing Pujas together with you at KDC Dharma Center. I am doing extensive Practice in my home at this time for all beings, in particular for those who have died and for those who have been affected in any way due to the Corona virus.Each evening I do a special Puja for all deceased. For your benefit and the benefit of others, I would like to request that you Continue Reading →


Dear Dharma Friends, I hope this finds all of you in good health and that your Dharma practice is going well. After careful consideration and concern for you and all sentient beings, it has been decided that KDC will suspend its weekly Pujas due to the serious nature of the Corona virus. However, to feel a sense of community during this challenging time, I encourage all of you to do KDC’s weekly practice of Tara, Mahakala and Chenrezig at home at our regularly scheduled times. As you may know, Guru Rinpoche predicted that during this degenerative time, many different diseases and obstacles would occur and finding an antidote for them would be difficult. However, Guru Rinpoche also stated that praying to him would help us overcome these difficulties. With this in mind, I am requesting all of you to recite as many Guru Rinpoche mantras as possible: OM AH HUNG Continue Reading →


Dear Sangha and Dharma friends, It has come to my attention that Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing’s healthcare and medical expenses have risen significantly and he needs our help to meet these costs. Many of us have had the opportunity to receive teachings and the blessings of Empowerment from Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing. We are very fortunate that he has chosen to remain in this country to guide and support us. Now we have the opportunity to support him. Lama’s continued good health and long life is our sincere wish and this is an opportunity for us to help ensure that. Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing is a most worthy recipient for our generosity so this is also an excellent way to accumulate merit. Please give as generously as you can by making a one time donation or give as you are able monthly or quarterly. You may make your checks payable Continue Reading →


In keeping with KDC’s annual tradition, Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing and KDC’s western Lamas will perform the Amitabha Puja for Deceased on Memorial Day, since it is the time when we traditionally honor our loved ones who have passed away. This year, Memorial Day falls during Saga Dawa, therefore the benefits of the Puja is multiplied 100,000 times. This Puja is extremely helpful when performed for the benefit of one who has died. After dying, due to karma and habitual patterns, we have no control over our future rebirth, and we are driven by the power of our previous actions. This profound Puja purifies negativities and obscurations and liberates the deceased from samsara, leading to rebirth in the Pure Land of Dewachen. Names of deceased and donations may be submitted for this special Puja by anyone who has had a family member or friend pass away, whether the death is Continue Reading →