917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405
(Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow)
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2:00 p.m.
Please arrive 15 – 20 minutes before the ceremonies; late arrivals will not be admitted.
This special Empowerment of Guru Rinpoche is a blessing for long life and other favorable conditions. Guru Rinpoche stated that it is particularly important for Dharma practitioners to live a long life so that they have as much time as possible to practice the Dharma. By practicing the Dharma, one can accumulate merit and pacify obscurations and negativities, thus leading one out of the state of samsara and enabling one to achieve the state of Buddhahood. The Refuge Vow is required and will be offered prior to the Empowerment.
To print out a PDF flier of this event, please click here.
The cost is $30 general ($25 KDC members). It is also customary to make a donation to the empowering Lama.
A couple of gentle reminders:
1) As a courtesy to others, especially during this cold & flu season, if you or anyone in your household is ill and could be contagious, please plan to join us for an event in the future when you are well.
2) Also, KDC Shrine Room is a fragrance-free zone. Due to many people’s allergies, please refrain from wearing scented products or wearing clothing which may have lingering scents of scented products on them.