Dear Dharma Friends,

I hope this finds all of you in good health and that your Dharma Practice is going well. As many of you know, Losar, the Tibetan New Year, begins Friday, February 12. Traditionally at this time KDC has held the annual all-day Mahakala Puja to dispel obstacles and negativities so the new year may begin in an auspicious manner. Unfortunately, this year KDC is not able to hold this event due to the global pandemic.

Although we cannot gather together for this event, I would like to ask all of you who have received the Mahakala Empowerment to please perform Mahakala Puja at home on Mahakala Day, which is Wednesday, February 10, and to recite the Mahakala mantra throughout the day. I, myself, will be doing an all-day 2-Armed Bernachen Mahakala Puja from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Mahakala Day.

Also, I will be doing a retreat from Feb. 8 to Feb. 28, making daily prayers and offerings of Tsok and candles to the Dharma Protectors for the benefit of the Sangha and the entire world, for the healing and pacification of the Corona Virus.

Losar, February 12, begins a period of 15 days when all of our actions, positive and negative, are multiplied 100,000 times, therefore engaging in Dharma Practice and performing virtuous actions is highly encouraged. This is an excellent opportunity to accumulate merit. Although there is great benefit when we gather together to practice and recite mantra, we are not able to do so now due to Covid. However, this time also presents us with an opportunity to develop and deepen our own personal Dharma Practice. I would like to request all of you to continue to remain safe, practice patience with our challenging situation, and do as much Dharma Practice as possible.

I keep you and all beings in my daily prayers.
I hope it is not much longer before I am able to see all of you,
Lama Tsang Tsing