SEVEN-POINT MIND TRAINING By Lama Sonam Dargye (Tony Albino) MAHAYANA GREAT COMPASSION  TEACHING AND PRACTICE Sunday, November 19, 2017, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Please arrive by 8:45 a.m., late entries will not be admitted.) This Mahayana tradition of mental transformation is cherished by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and considered indispensable for one’s Dharma practice to bear fruit. Renowned for its universal and pragmatic approach, it gleans all of the Mahayana teachings to seven basic points and shows how to apply them to one‘s life. The cost is $30 general ($25 KDC members). You are welcome to bring a lunch and stay during the break. Kagyu Dakshang Chuling 917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, Oregon (Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow) To minimize the Center’s impact on our neighborhood, please park on West Amazon and walk up hill to KDC. Lama Sonam completed the three-year retreat under the guidance of Venerable Continue Reading →

DORJE SEMPA EMPOWERMENT Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.

by Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing   Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. (Please arrive 15 – 20 minutes before the ceremonies; late arrivals will not be admitted.) KAGYU DAKSHANG CHULING 917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405 (Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow) To minimize the Center’s impact on our neighborhood, please park on West Amazon and walk up hill to KDC. This Empowerment authorizes one to do the meditation of Dorje Sempa (Vajrasattva), essential for all Dharma practitioners because it has great power to purify obscurations. The Refuge Vow is required and will be offered by Lama prior to the Empowerment. The cost is $25 ($20 KDC members). It is also customary to make a donation to the empowering Lama. To print out a PDF flier of this event, please click here. For information, please call (541) 485-3961 or (541) 683-1808 between 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. A Continue Reading →


by Lama Sonam Dargye 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Please arrive by 8:45 a.m., late entries will not be admitted) Cost: $30 general, $25 KDC members per class On the four Sundays listed below, Lama Sonam Dargye (Tony Albino) will give a series of teachings on the profound nature of Ngondro. Ngondro is the foundation of all Dharma practice, as well as a practice that can lead to higher states of realization. Before engaging in all advanced meditation practices such as Yidam practice and Mahamudra, it is strongly recommended that the practitioner first complete Ngondro in order to purify obscurations, gather the two accumulations of merit and awareness, and receive the blessings of the lineage. These all-day seminars will consist of a teaching, a question and answer period and doing the respective Ngondro practice. This program is designed to benefit all levels of practitioners. Sunday, October 30, 2016: Refuge and Continue Reading →


DHARMA TEACHINGS, EVENTS, AND EMPOWERMENTS 917 East 43rd Avenue, Eugene, Oregon (Between West Amazon and Fox Hollow.) To minimize the Center’s impact on our neighborhood, please park on West Amazon and walk up hill to KDC. Details regarding the following events will be published soon. SAVE THE DATES! 2016 Sunday, April 17, 2016, The Six Bardos in Life and Death by Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing – 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, May 21, 2016, The Guru Yoga of Kalu Rinpoche, Teaching and Practice by Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. *PLEASE NOTE: This is a change of date from the previously published announcement from KDC. Saturday, May 28, 2016, Amitabha Empowerment by Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing – 2:00 p.m. Sunday, May 29, 2016, Amitabha Teaching, Practice, and Special Puja for the Deceased by Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, June 18, Continue Reading →


This beautiful traditional Dorje Sempa Thangka is being raffled to raise funds for the KDC Building Fund. Dorje Sempa is the essence of the 100 Peaceful and Wrathful Deities and is one of the principle deities of purification. The practice of Dorje Sempa is one of the Four Preliminaries (Ngondro) that is contained in all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. It is considered to be a practice that is important to maintain throughout one’s lifetime. Having this Thangka in one’s own home would serve both as an inspiration for one’s daily Dharma practice and as an excellent reference for visualization of the deity. This  24″ x 40″ Thangka was generously donated to KDC by Elizabeth Gerrity and is currently hanging in the KDC Shrine Room. If you have been contemplating making a donation to KDC, then this is the perfect opportunity for you. By purchasing a raffle ticket, not only will Continue Reading →


MAHAKALA PUJA AND TSOK Sunday, February 7, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Arrival by 8:45 a.m.please) The Puja will be preceded by a talk by Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing explaining the meaning of this profound Puja and no entries will be permitted during the talk. Venerable Lama Tsang Tsing and his assisting Lamas will perform this all-day extensive Mahakala Puja for the benefit of the KDC Sangha and for all beings. This Puja is traditionally performed on Mahakala Day  before the beginning of the Tibetan New Year.  This year Mahakala Day falls on Sunday, February 7.  The Puja has the power and ability to clear away the obstacles and negativities of the past year and opens the door for the auspicious unfolding of the new year. The Puja concludes with a Tsok (Vajra feast offering) in the afternoon. You are welcome to attend at any time and it is Continue Reading →